Friday there is the link to the article.
I want to write about the article "Race and politics in the age of Obama" in the CNN website. This article talks about how the ex-president Jimmy Carter expressed his worry over the level of animosity that has been seen in protests and demonstrations against President Obama, and believes that the source of all that anger is racism, During the campaign, and since Obama took office, the attacks of the Right have been primarily personal in an effort to expose his "difference". from my point of view it is a really worth reading article because of the nature of the controversy, race is an issue for those who only see race. In this commentary we can read how the president Obama deal with the issue of been the head of the U.S. nation and at the same time a black man in a country where not too many years ago the segregation existed. I think maybe Carter is going to far saying that any oposition is a cause of raicism to the president, today we live in a free society where no matter the gender, race, religion, etc. we can became what ever we want and in my opinion president Obama is a living example of that. By the other hand, here we can appreciate the way how Obama deal in letting his race become a major topic in his precidency, here are some words from him: “Are there some people who don’t like me because of my race? I’m sure there are, are there some people who voted for me only because of my race? There are probably some of those too.” here is a clear message, always in politics will be an opposition but there is a way to handle it, respecting free expresion.