
Comment on a colleague’s work #1

The laws in the United States concerning the protection and care of domestic and wild animals are not enough, I agree with Ms. Trujillo in that matter completely. "The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is committed to protecting all animals—from the mouse in a laboratory to elephants in South Africa—through a variety of means. We rescue animals, lobby for laws, investigatecruelties, educate the public, and so much more" those are the words used by the HSUS. but if that is true, how is possible that Every day millions of animals are born into lives of unspeakable suffering. Every day millions more suffer terrible deaths and what is worst, a big part of this is cruelty rest in the hands of the scientific researchers using animals for testing, do not having any kind of mercy in the the pain caused to them. Its true that out there are many institutions trying to change this like ASPCA, S. 1834/H.R. 3907—Pet Safety and Protection Act: Sale of Dogs and Cats to Research Institutions, this is an act they are working on to make it possible in the congress. If the Pet Safety and Protection Act is passed, the Animal Welfare Act would be amended so that the only people who would be allowed to sell dogs and cats to research facilities would be:

1. Dealers who have bred and raised the animals.
2. Publicly owned pounds or shelters that obtained the animals from their legal owners.
3. A person donating a dog or cat whom they have bred and raised, or owned for at least one year.

this do not will change the system but step by step and with the help of the community, the laws can be more strict to stop the cruelty of the animal. Ms. Trujillo choose a good article and in my opinion this is an issue that needs our attention.

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