
Comment on a colleague's work #2

I chose the article written by my classmate Ryan because this is a controversial matter in which the whole country is involved and the way how he spreads his ideas about it, seems to me logical for the wellness of economy and society. The government sooner or later will have to accept the medical benefits of this plant and make it part of treatments in different deceases in which this herb provide positive results. Pros are many as cons but at the end is the people who have the right to choose if they want or not be users of this stimulant as well as todays we can decide (having 21+ years old) in drink alcohol or smoke tobbaco knowing that can be more harmful than marijuana. It is only when the abused of this drug that the problem start to occur, but is not abuse of almost any bad substance a problem? If you see it from the outside, It is like the government try to limit how much tobbaco you will smoke or how many cups of coffe you can drink.The arguments about if it is positive or negative will depend in the popular opinion and the way of how this can be use. In the economical view, the legalization can bring a lot of pros; a recent report made by the Los Angeles Times shows that marijuana legalization (replacing prohibition with a system of taxation and regulation) would save $7.7 billion per year in state and federal expenditures on prohibition enforcement and produce tax revenues of at least $2.4 billion annually if marijuana were taxed like most consumer goods. I know this plant is used too for inappropriate intentions but banning those whom give it a bad purpose the benefits are multiples.

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