
Policy Needing changes in Obama's government

After the government of the ex-president George W. Bush, the economic status and all the issues concerning the state went from acceptable to awful. The reconstruction after the economic fall will take an enormous effort for the president Barack Obama and his cabinet. Many are the policies that needs a reform but in particular some of them need an especial attention to the succes and development of the country.

Health care is one of the most important domestic issues, reimbursement of health care costs have to be debated and lately have a reform to establish a universal health care system in the United States that will helps in costs, acces and quality. The election Reform have to be solve too; legislation, court desisions, constitutional amendment and others needs a change about the federal election system and the way of how this work because is the cornerstone of our political democarcy. Another problem in the actual system is the substantially increase of poverty in the U.S. society, "close to 13 percent of the total U.S. population—about 37 million people—were counted as living below the poverty line" this was a poll made by the New York Times. the government should create a better and real social services for the people living in debt and help them with educational grants or loans with minimun interes.

The space improvement is something that needs support, the government should significantly increase its exploration and/or its development of space beyond Earth’s mesosphere. Many benefits can come from the reaserch make in this field, even from the perpetuation of our especie to the develop of new technologies. And the last policy that needs a reform but no the only ones is the immigration, the United States federal government should substantially decrease its restriction of immigration to the United States and debate different laws for the benefits of the immigrants and for our own country. Much more are the issues that needs to be change or fix and we know this kind of change needs time and hard work but nothing is impossible and the Obamas's idealism push towards to the change. I hope in a few years I can see back in the time and be a witness of the country improve.

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